Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone

2024-06-0409:00:44AI绘画与短视频剪辑Comments622 views字数 5012阅读模式

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-




提示词引导系数 (CFG Scale):5-7文章源自菜鸟学院-

采样方法:DPM++ 2M SDE Exponential,DPM++2M Karras,Euler文章源自菜鸟学院-

负面提示词:(worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, ((monochrome)), ((grayscale)) watermark, moles,文章源自菜鸟学院-



采样方法 (Sampler):DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
迭代步数 (Steps):35
提示词引导系数 (CFG Scale):6
高分辨率修复 (Hires. fix):放大算法4x-UltraSharp,重回幅度0.4 放大倍数2
提示词:(nfs:1.3),imagine Romantically cinematic boudoir reverie by Lara Jade, willowy Korean muse's diaphanous silhouette emerging from swirls of burnt sienna draperies, delicate facial features and alabaster skin rendered in soft diffused glow of ethereal rose champagne atmospheres perfectly capturing nostalgic golden hour mood, sophisticated intimates campaign of artful sensual poetry, 8K
(nfs:1.3),想象一下劳拉·杰德(Lara Jade)浪漫电影般的闺房遐想,苗条的韩国缪斯女神的透明剪影从烧焦的赭色窗帘的漩涡中浮现出来,精致的面部特征和雪花石膏皮肤在飘逸的玫瑰香槟氛围中呈现柔和的漫射光芒,完美捕捉怀旧的黄金时刻心情,巧妙感性诗歌的精致亲密活动,8K

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

提示词:imagine Dreamlike haute couture portrait by Nick Knight, delicate ethereal Asian model among swirling atmospheric mists and crystalline sculptural embroideries, cool tones of misty whites and iridescent silvers, sleek futuristic textures blending organic and artificial elements, intricately rendered high-fashion fantasy vision drawn from science and nature, 8K,close_up
想象一下尼克·奈特(Nick Knight)的梦幻般的高级时装肖像,在旋转的大气雾气和水晶雕塑刺绣中精致空灵的亚洲模特,雾白色和虹彩银色的冷色调,融合有机和人造元素的时尚未来纹理,错综复杂地渲染出来自科学的高级时尚奇幻视觉和自然,8K,特写

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

提示词:imagine Surreal summer underwater fashion by Zena Holloway, graceful models in shredded flowing dresses suspended among icebergs and turquoise sea realm, cool blue-green palette, sharp focus on tangled fabric textures, dreamlike fluid choreography, exploratory avant-garde high concept editorial vision, 8K,close_up
想象一下泽娜·霍洛威 (Zena Holloway) 的超现实夏季水下时尚,穿着碎碎飘逸连衣裙的优雅模特悬浮在冰山和绿松石色的海洋王国之间,凉爽的蓝绿色调色板,对纠结的织物纹理的敏锐关注,梦幻般的流体编舞,探索性前卫的高概念编辑视觉,8K ,特写

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

提示词:1 chinese girl ,melancholic fay trailing layers of ombré chiffon amongst shimmering soft bokeh drifts of swan down engulfing desolate Antarctic shipwreck ethereally blending feminine fragility and themes of nature's reclamation, nostalgic romantic color washes delicately capturing wistful atmosphere, luxury fragrance ghost advertising, 8K,close_up

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

提示词:(A very beautiful Chinese girl):1.5 wearing a mesh metal curtain mask\(A metallic beaded veil, resembling a hat, serves as a mask that obscures the face. It exudes an enigmatic and aesthetic appeal while simultaneously evoking a sense of oppression. The intricate arrangement of the beads creates a lattice-like structure that is both mesmerizing and foreboding)\,Black hooded robe with a tattered cotton and linen texture,
(非常漂亮的中国女孩):1.5 戴着网状金属帘面罩\(金属串珠的面罩,像帽子一样,起到遮盖脸部的作用,散发出一种神秘的美感,同时又让人产生一种压迫感。珠子错综复杂的排列,营造出一种格子般的结构,既令人着迷,又充满了不祥的预感)\,破烂的棉麻质地的黑色连帽长袍,

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

提示词:A sex girl, wearing blue and white porcelain , adorned in exquisite jewelry, ,The background is blur blue sky with some jade fish werw swimming, creating an overall sense of tranquility, It features a closeup shot with ultrahigh definition resolution, showcasing the beauty of Chinese traditional culture.UHD, super detail, 8k

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

提示词:1chinese girl ,commercial portrait photography, session featuring a half-body portrait of a model styled in Fendi, captured with the simulated effect of a Suhha camera, utilizing backlit lighting for dramatic effect. The model showcases Fendi's luxurious and stylish designs, set against a sophisticated and understated backdrop that complements the high-end fashion. The backlit setup creates a silhouette effect, accentuating the unique textures and silhouettes of Fendi's attire. The composition is elegant and modern, perfect for a fashion magazine editorial, with a focus on the interplay of light and shadow, and the model's chic and refined presence. The simulated Suhha camera effect adds an artistic and high-quality finish, capturing the essence of contemporary fashion photography
1中国女孩,商业人像摄影,以Fendi风格模特的半身肖像为特色,采用Suhha相机的模拟效果拍摄,利用背光营造戏剧效果。该模特展示了芬迪奢华时尚的设计,在精致低调的背景下与高端时尚相得益彰。背光设置营造出剪影效果,凸显 Fendi 服装的独特纹理和轮廓。构图优雅而现代,非常适合时尚杂志社论,重点关注光与影的相互作用以及模特别致而精致的存在。模拟Suhha相机效果增添艺术感和高品质,捕捉当代时尚摄影的精髓

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

提示词:A sex chinse female model elegantly positioned next to a Rolls-Royce during the 'blue hour,' captured in a geometrically structured space with hard lighting. The scene should combine luxury with a modern abstract feel, where the geometric space and the hard, angular lighting create a sophisticated atmosphere. The 'blue hour' light provides a serene yet vibrant backdrop, casting cool tones over the model and the Rolls-Royce. The composition focuses on the interplay between the luxury car, the model's refined pose, and the sharp angles of the light, emphasizing a blend of elegance and modern architectural elements. The overall mood is one of high-end sophistication and artistic innovation, with a resolution suitable for high-quality prints,8k,medium_shot,

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion XL专注电商摄影写实摄影模型——真境写真XL-vone文章源自菜鸟学院-

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