Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型

2024-02-2709:21:57AI绘画与短视频剪辑Comments424 views字数 2892阅读模式

Stable Diffusion大模型中,真人模型可谓,百发齐放,精彩纷呈,令人目眩神迷。真人模型充分展现着栩栩如生的美态与神采。逼真的面部表情、流畅自然的动作,融合了真实和虚拟的完美之美。文章源自菜鸟学院-



Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-





Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-


  • 大模型:MexxL_LCM2
  • 采样器:DPM++ SDE Karras
  • 采样迭代步数:5
  • CFG:2

1. 宇航员文章源自菜鸟学院-

modelshoot style, (extremely detailed 8k wallpaper), a photo of a best quality:1.4, masterpiece:1.4, detailed:1.3, 8K, female astronaut, Intricate, High Detail, dramatic

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-


Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

2. 冰雪女孩文章源自菜鸟学院-

Anime style, a cartoon woman, very beautiful, very pretty, 20yo, topless, skinny, detailed blue eyes, dark red lips, wind, Ice and Snow World, clothes, dress

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

3. 中国龙后文章源自菜鸟学院-

Anime style,cartoon style,cartoon of The Queen of chinese Dragon,skinny,two horns,hyper-detailed complex,emitting a sense of excitement,emitting a sense of sadness,pastel colors, wading, 3d drawing,

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

4. 魔女化身文章源自菜鸟学院-

Cartoon style,The Chinese Queen of devil incarnate, detailed beautiful oblong face, dramatic atmosphere,12k resolution,hyper-detailed complex,soft shaded,cinematic light,rich colors,sharp focus

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

5. 可爱小女孩文章源自菜鸟学院-

16k, masterpiece, photorealistic, 1girl, solo, long hair, blank hair, bangs,hair bow, ribbon, smile,  8 y.o.,upper body, looking at viewer,stuffed toy, stuffed animal, teddy bear,

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-


photo of a beautiful girl, mechanical parts, mecha suit, hair over shoulder, intricate details, fine details, surrealism detail, dramatic atmosphere, blu-ray, hyper detailed, vivid colors, hard focus, detailed beautiful oblong face, K-pop,  wind, Decorated with vines and mecha

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

7. 机甲女孩(卡通版)文章源自菜鸟学院-

Anime style,a cartoon chinese woman, skinny, very beautiful, very pretty, detailed blue eyes, dark red lips, mecha suit,particles and dust in Beams,wind, Terror Forest Background, vibrant color, gorgeous armored arm, cleavage, decorated with complex patterns and exquisite lines

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

8. 职场女性文章源自菜鸟学院-

photo of a beautiful office lady with beautiful suit,Serious and elegant,wind,sunlight,full body,[k-pop:detailed pretty face:0.5],

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

9. 晚礼服文章源自菜鸟学院-

1 sexy slim girl, asian girl, long hair, purple hair, exquisite and beautiful big bright eyes,  wearing dev v neck evening gown, off shoulder white fur scarf, fur scarf, dress with lace details, laced dress, beautiful face, (beautiful sexy fit body:1.4), exquisite features, detailed features, perfect skin, smooth skin, red lipstick, choker, necklace, earings, bracelet, white gloves,belly button, candle light, dark background, intricate details, realistic, masterpiec

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

10. 太阳镜文章源自菜鸟学院-

a beautiful chinese woman Surrounded by [crystals|water],Pale Pink Lips,sunglasses,wind,Background of horror movies,[upper body:0.7],[k-pop],ultra detailed,extremely detailed,hyper-detailed complex,

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

11. 塞尔达公主文章源自菜鸟学院-

Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda series),trim figure,frilled shirt,intricate details,supreme detailed,emitting a sense of sadness,atmospheric perspective,emitting a sense of harmony,Decorated with gorgeous patterns and beautiful lines

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

12. 黑白写真文章源自菜鸟学院-

1girl, solo, monochrome, greyscale, looking at viewer, upper body, shirt, short hair, lips, blush, closed mouth, simple background, traditional media, parted lips

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

Stable Diffusion MexxL_LCM2:适合画中国女孩的国产真人大模型文章源自菜鸟学院-

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