MongoDB快速上手指南: 使用 Mocha 编写测试 “Test Driven Development”

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Mocha 是一个 js 测试的包, 编写测试有两个关键字 describeit文章源自菜鸟学院-

  • describe 是一个”统领块”, 所有的 test functions 都会在它”名下”
  • it 表示每一个 test function
const assert = require('assert')
// assume we have a User model defined in src/user.js
const User = require('../src/user')

// after installing Mocha, we have global access
// to describe and it keywords
describe('Creating records', () => {
  it('saves a user', () => {
    const joe = new User({ name: "Joe" });;

NoSQL Databases文章源自菜鸟学院-

Benefits of NoSQL文章源自菜鸟学院-

  • Easy for inserting and retrieving data, since they are contained in one block, in one json object
  • Flexible schema, if a new attribute added, it is easy to just add / append to the object
  • Scalability, horizontally partition the data (availability > consistency)
  • Aggregation, find metrics and etc

Drawbacks of NoSQL文章源自菜鸟学院-

  • Update = Delete + Insert, not built for update
  • Not consistent, ACID is not guaranteed, do not support transactions
  • Not read optimized. Read entire block find the attribute. But SQL, just need one column (read time compartively slow)
  • Relations are not implicit
  • JOINS are hard to accomplish, all manually


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