StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验

2024-03-0417:13:46AI绘画与短视频剪辑Comments307 views字数 3800阅读模式


Stability-AI平台团队继开源AI绘图模型 - Stable Diffusion(SD1.5,SD2.1, SDXL等)模型之后,近期又在官方GIthub公开了新一代AI绘图模型:StableCascade。相比于Stable Diffusion模型,StableCascade模型采用了一种基于Würstchen架构,由三个模型组成:Stage A,Stage B和Stage C架构的整体,它能够在保持同等绘图质量情况下,极大降低推理和训练所需的计算资源。它优势为:高压缩率、优秀绘图质量、高效推理速度。更对关于StableCascade的介绍参见文章:StableCascade:StabilityAI继SDXL新一代高压缩率AI绘图模型,高效低耗(9G显存)推理(附推理代码)文章源自菜鸟学院-

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验

StableCascade ComfyUI

首先安装ComfyUI软件,并将ComfyUI软件更新到最新版(具体ComfyUI的安装指南参见文章:字节SDXL-Lightning模型:秒级1024px出图模型,ComfyUI使用教程)。可以直接使用git pull更新最新版本,也可以使用ComfyUI Manager点击更新ComfyUI文章源自菜鸟学院-

下载stable_cascade_stage_b.safetensors 和stable_cascade_stage_c.safetensors两个模型,并放置到ComfyUI/models/checkpoints目录下。然后下载previewer.safetensors模型放置在ComfyUI/models/vae。模型下载地址为:。`previewer.safetensors`模型下载地址:文章源自菜鸟学院-

下载StableCascade workflow,并使用workflow插件导入流程文件,就可以开始体验模型了。workflow文件已放置在公众中,关注公众号:stable-cascade-workflow就可获取。文章源自菜鸟学院-

StableCascade 体验

01. 面具人

chinese girl,a digital art piece featuring a close-up of a woman wearing a regal and menacing mask adorned with intricate feathers, inspired by Hedi Xandt's gothic art. The mask itself is ornate and elaborate, reminiscent of a Venetian carnival mask. The overall composition showcases the beauty of the woman's face and the intricate details of the mask. The artwork is created with a combination of digital painting techniques and luminescent airbrush techniques, resulting in a stunning display of colors and textures. This piece was the winning entry in the CGSociety contest, known for its remarkable quality and craftsmanship. The resolution of the artwork is in stunning UHD 4K, allowing for a highly detailed and immersive viewing experience. Prepare to be captivated by the mesmerizing allure of this masquerade-inspired masterpiece.

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验文章源自菜鸟学院-

02. 龙纹旗袍

MarchCraft: Fashionable young beautiful Chinese teenage Woman wearing a red and black dragon print  Cheongsam, standing in front of the Forbidden City in China, masterpiece, vibrant colors, ultra-high quality model, improve eyes, smile, cinematic, 4k, epic, sharp focus, 4k resolution

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验文章源自菜鸟学院-

03. 时尚太阳镜

chinese girl, gritty raw photo of  (young woman, short black hair, spanish, wearing sunglasses wearing white gym clothes, tshirt, leggings), fully covered, hyperrealism, 8K UHD, realistic skin texture, flawed skin, shot with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, highly detailed, masterpiece,  Miki Asai Macro photography, close-up, hyper detailed, trending on artstation, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, by greg rutkowski

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验文章源自菜鸟学院-

04. 花瓣上瓢虫

Ladybug alights on a vivid petal, merged with an image of lilac blossoms in full bloom, Greg Rutkowski style watercolor, spring fantasy theme, trending on ArtStation, sharp studio focus on insect and flora, intricate detailing of ladybug's spots and lilac's delicate texture, photorealistic elements ensure botanical accuracy, set as a digital painting, highly detailed, ultra fine., Watercolor, trending on artstation, sharp focus, studio photo, intricate details, highly detailed, by greg rutkowski

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验文章源自菜鸟学院-

05. 黑白水墨画《竹林中的熊猫》

black and white Ink wash painting of the panda in a bamboo forest, masterpiece, In Xia Gui art style

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验文章源自菜鸟学院-

06. 夕阳西下

gold and black, parallax design. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it, soft shadow, forest, minimalistic design, bold lines, parallax designs mixture of white color with small details in both black and gold, Mysterious, ((Vrubel style))), Extra detailed, birds eye view, reflections, obsidian gem., black wolf sneak steal, miniature, ultra hd, realistic, vivid colors, highly detailed, UHD drawing, pen and ink, perfect composition, beautiful detailed intricate insanely detailed octane render trending on artstation, 8k artistic photography, photorealistic concept art, soft natural volumetric cinematic perfect light

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验文章源自菜鸟学院-

07. 动漫武士

Anime girl , with blood,Sheathed Katana Set (Back), Fluffy Black Crop Jacket,  Overalls Black White Shirt, Tactical Techwear Vest, Voluminous Ponytail (Brown) , background

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验文章源自菜鸟学院-

08. 虔诚修心

chinese girl,storybook style,  watercolor, cute adorable asian girl closed eyes, mediating, kung fu outfit temple background, iridescent skies, cherry blossoms, thick cotton candy skies, kids story book, muted, colors,

StabilityAI新一代高效低耗模型StableCascade ComfyUI绘图流程体验文章源自菜鸟学院-


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